We can advise on the best products and routines to keep your cat healthy, happy and free from pests.
Roundworms, tapeworms and fleas are the most common types of parasites that cats can get.
Roundworms lodge in the cat’s small intestine, form balls and can cause intestinal obstructions. They can be detected by the presence of eggs in the cat’s droppings or on anal areas.
Tapeworms fix onto the intestinal wall and cause bloating, diarrhoea and sometimes damage to the coat. They can be detected by the presence of white disks, that look like grains of rice, in stools or on anal areas.
The British Veterinary Association advises that all cats are wormed monthly against roundworms. Cats should also be wormed against tapeworms regularly, we advise every three months.
There are a variety of methods that cats can be wormed and treated for fleas, for example spot ons, pastes or tablets. Worming is often easiest if combined with a spot on flea treatment.
It is best to discuss with one of the vets at the surgery to work out the best routine for you and your cat. Flea and worm check-ups are FREE.